Articles Tagged with #EEOC

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Here are a few links to some interesting stories from the

last week. There are a couple of articles about interesting developments in the

world of pension funds, as well as analysis of a recent Supreme Court oral

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With the use of real-time social media posts becoming

ubiquitous, employees need to be increasingly aware of the possibility that

what they post on Facebook or Twitter may be discoverable in a potential

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With the holiday coming up, I wanted to write a quick post

linking to some interesting (and in one case bizarre) labor and employment law

stories. I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

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I hope everyone has managed to stay safe and as dry as

possible over the past few days. With Hurricane Sandy starting to move out of

the region Tuesday evening, I wanted to post about a few issues employers and

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In a continuation of a recent post that analyzed what constitutes

a “reasonable accommodation” under the Americans With Disabilities Act, this

post summarizes a great article by the FMLA Insights blog that looks into the

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Here are a collection of links to look over. First are a few interesting articles on pension plans. Given the controversial nature of entitlement spending nationwide, the articles give a range of ways in which pension disputes can be handled. Second are some links to some recent employment law developments that are relatively quick reads.

Pension Links

4 Year Deal for Unions at Verizon

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The EEOC recently obtained a settlement against the Delano

Regional Medical Center (DRMC) of Bakersfield, California, which included a

fine of $975,000. The DRMC had been accused of harassing and discriminating

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